
博学茶道 2023-08-09 11:50 编辑:admin 237阅读



1. 温水泡软


2. 刀砸法


3. 蒸馏法


4. 破碎泡法


5. 时间储存法



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How to Brew Da Yi Qi Zi Bing Tea When It's Too Hard

As a type of tea, Da Yi Qi Zi Bing tea is highly sought after by tea enthusiasts. However, some tea lovers may encounter an issue of the tea being too hard to brew. In this blog post, I will introduce some methods that can be used to solve this problem.

1. Soaking in Warm Water

If the Da Yi Qi Zi Bing tea you bought is too hard, you can try soaking it in warm water. Place a suitable amount of the tea cake in a teapot or teacup, then pour in warm water at around 80℃. Let it sit for a while. The warm water temperature can accelerate the dissolution of the tea's active ingredients and soften the structure of the tea cake. During the soaking process, the tea leaves gradually unfold and become softer. After trying the method of soaking the Da Yi Qi Zi Bing tea in warm water, you may find that the taste becomes smoother, and the tea soup becomes more mellow.

2. Knife Tapping Method

The knife tapping method is a commonly used technique to deal with hard Da Yi Qi Zi Bing tea. Place the dry tea cake on a hard surface and use the back of a kitchen knife or a tea knife to gently tap the edges of the tea cake. Avoid applying excessive force to prevent damaging the tea leaves. Repeat this process several times until the tea cake gradually softens. The knife tapping method can effectively change the structure of the tea leaves, speed up the oxidation process, and make the tea easier to brew. However, it is important to maintain a gentle approach when using this method to avoid irreversible damage to the tea leaves.

3. Distillation Method

The distillation method requires certain equipment, but it can effectively solve the problem of the Da Yi Qi Zi Bing tea being too hard. Place the tea cake in a teapot and steam it using a rice cooker or a specialized tea leaf distiller. The duration and temperature of the distillation process need to be adjusted according to the specific situation, typically around 20 minutes. The distillation can soften and unfold the tea cake through the hot steam, making the tea leaves easier to ferment. After distillation, the texture of the tea cake becomes softer, and the tea leaves become easier to separate and brew.

4. Broken Leaf Brewing Method

The broken leaf brewing method is a special brewing technique suitable for hard-pressed teas like the Da Yi Qi Zi Bing tea. Carefully break the tea cake into small pieces or crumbs, and then use the usual brewing method to steep the tea. This method can accelerate the dissolution and release of the tea leaves, resulting in a more concentrated tea soup. The broken leaf brewing method can break through the limitations of the tea cake and fully unleash the flavor of the tea leaves.

5. Time Storage Method

For tightly-pressed tea such as Da Yi Qi Zi Bing tea, time also plays an important role. If your tea is too hard, you can choose to store the tea cake in an appropriate environment and wait for a period of time before enjoying it. The passage of time can gradually soften the tea leaves and change the flavor of the tea. Tea enthusiasts can control the storage time of the tea based on their preferences and needs to find the optimal condition that suits their taste.

In conclusion, the problem of Da Yi Qi Zi Bing tea being too hard is not unsolvable. I hope the methods introduced above can be helpful to you. Different methods are applicable to different types of tea, so tea lovers can experiment and find the most suitable method for their situation. Regardless of the method chosen, it is important to handle the tea leaves gently and avoid causing undue damage. Wishing you the enjoyment of a smooth and fragrant cup of Da Yi Qi Zi Bing tea!