易恒祥 勐海七子饼茶 357克

博学茶道 2023-08-09 04:37 编辑:admin 67阅读

易恒祥勐海七子饼茶 - 味道独特、名副其实的珍品












  • 选择合适的器具:品鉴饼茶通常使用盖碗和公道杯,使茶叶能够完全展开,释放出香气。
  • 掌握冲泡技巧:饼茶通常需要较长的冲泡时间,可根据个人口味和茶叶特点进行调整。
  • 观察茶汤颜色:易恒祥勐海七子饼茶的茶汤呈现红褐色,清澈透亮,色泽鲜艳。
  • 品尝茶叶口感:细细品味茶叶的口感,感受其中的层次和回甘。





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易恒祥勐海七子饼茶 - A Unique and Esteemed Tea Treasure

357 grams of Yihengxiang Menghai Qizi Bingcha Tea is one of the cherished treasures in traditional Chinese tea. It is renowned worldwide for its distinctive flavor and high quality, garnering the praise and pursuit of tea enthusiasts. In this article, we will delve into the characteristics and historical background of Yihengxiang Menghai Qizi Bingcha Tea to introduce you to its charm.

Brand Introduction: Yihengxiang

Yihengxiang is a well-known brand in the Chinese tea industry, revered for its strict selection of raw materials and exquisite craftsmanship. Since its establishment, Yihengxiang has consistently dedicated itself to providing consumers with high-quality tea products, receiving widespread acclaim in the market.

Background and History

Yihengxiang Menghai Qizi Bingcha Tea originates from Menghai County in Yunnan Province, an area known for its abundant tea production and unique climate and soil conditions. The making of Menghai Qizi Bingcha Tea has a long history, dating back several hundred years. During that time, tea leaves were compressed into compact cake forms for easier storage and transportation.

The name "Qizi Bingcha Tea" derives from the seven cake forms, each weighing 357 grams, ensuring the preservation and quality of the tea through fermentation and aging. The tea is made from high-quality tea leaves, meticulously selected ingredients, and undergoes unique fermentation and aging processes. These steps determine the final product's flavor profile and aroma.

Distinctive Flavor and Taste

Yihengxiang Menghai Qizi Bingcha Tea is acclaimed for its distinctive flavor and taste. It exudes intense floral and woody aromas with a mellow and smooth mouthfeel. During the brewing process, the tea leaves gradually unfurl, releasing a rich aroma and profound color.

The cake tea-making process defines the tea's aging and flavor enhancement. Over time, Yihengxiang Menghai Qizi Bingcha Tea develops even richer and more intense aromas while acquiring a delicate and refined taste, making every sip an indulgence. With every tasting, you can experience the tea's unique characteristics and allure.

How to Appreciate Yihengxiang Menghai Qizi Bingcha Tea

Appreciating Yihengxiang Menghai Qizi Bingcha Tea requires a certain level of expertise and technique. Here are some methods for your reference:

  • Choose the appropriate utensils: Bingcha tea is typically enjoyed using a covered bowl and fairness cup to allow the tea leaves to fully unfurl and release their aromas.
  • Master the brewing technique: Bingcha tea often requires longer steeping times, which can be adjusted according to personal taste and tea characteristics.
  • Observe the color of the tea liquor: Yihengxiang Menghai Qizi Bingcha Tea presents a reddish-brown, clear, and vibrant tea liquor.
  • Taste the tea's mouthfeel: Savor the layers and lingering sweetness of the tea's taste.


Yihengxiang Menghai Qizi Bingcha Tea is a precious tea, distinguished by its unique production process and enticing flavor profile, making it a gem in the tea world. Whether enjoyed during family gatherings, business meetings, or solitary moments of contemplation, this tea provides a pleasurable and satisfying experience.

If you are a tea enthusiast, it is worth trying Yihengxiang Menghai Qizi Bingcha Tea to savor its aroma and taste. It will transport you on a unique and memorable tea journey.

Reference: Yihengxiang Official Website