
博学茶道 2023-08-08 15:53 编辑:admin 182阅读











  • 外观:勐海七子饼茶的外观应该整齐、结实且紧密。茶叶的颜色应为深褐色,并带有一定的光泽。
  • 香气:闻茶的香气时,应该能够感受到它独特的陈年茶香。香气浓郁而持久。
  • 口感:勐海七子饼茶的口感应该醇厚且回甘。茶水的滋味应该层次分明,口感丰富。
  • 回甘:品尝后,留在口中的余味应该持久并愈发甘甜,这是勐海七子饼茶品质优良的体现。







This blog post discusses the significance and characteristics of "勐海七子饼茶" (Menghai Qizi Bing Cha) – a type of tea that has gained popularity among tea enthusiasts in recent years. As a representative of "中茶黄印" (Chinese Tea Yellow Label), this tea stands out for its unique production process and rich flavors. The history of Menghai Qizi Bing Cha dates back to the mid-Ming Dynasty when tea farmers in the southern Yunnan region began experimenting with compressing seven small tea cakes into one large tea cake. Over time, this unique production method became widely known and established itself as a specialty tea product in Menghai. The production process of Menghai Qizi Bing Cha is highly intricate, involving several steps. Carefully selected and baked tea leaves ensure the quality of the flavor and aroma. Then, seven different high-quality tea leaves are blended to create a tea cake with a rich and layered taste. Each individual tea cake is meticulously crafted and then combined to form a large tea cake. The shape of the large tea cake is typically round or square, with consistent weight and size. This complexity in production sets Menghai Qizi Bing Cha apart from other teas. The distinctiveness of Menghai Qizi Bing Cha lies in its unique flavors and aromas. It exudes a deep and complex aged tea fragrance, accompanied by a mellow and long-lasting taste. As time passes, the taste of Menghai Qizi Bing Cha becomes even smoother, while the aroma of the tea leaves becomes increasingly rich. When tasting Menghai Qizi Bing Cha, attention should be paid to several aspects. The tea cakes should have a neat, solid, and tight appearance. The color of the tea leaves should be dark brown and have a certain luster. The fragrance should be rich and enduring, and the taste should be mellow, layered, and diverse. The aftertaste should be long-lasting and increasingly sweet, showcasing the excellent quality of Menghai Qizi Bing Cha. Menghai Qizi Bing Cha is perfectly suited for long-term storage and aging. To preserve it, it should be kept away from direct sunlight and humidity. Storing the tea cakes in a dry and clean tea canister in a cool and ventilated place is recommended. When brewing Menghai Qizi Bing Cha, it is advisable to first rinse the tea cake segments with warm water and then proceed with brewing after the tea leaves have unfolded. Generally, a water temperature of around 90℃ is suitable. The brewing time and amount of tea leaves can be adjusted according to personal taste preferences. In conclusion, Menghai Qizi Bing Cha, as a representative of Chinese Tea Yellow Label, has gained recognition and admiration in the tea industry due to its unique production process and rich flavors. When evaluating this tea, one can assess its appearance, aroma, taste, and aftertaste, and experience its unique charm. Long-term storage and aging of Menghai Qizi Bing Cha enhance its smoothness and intensify the aroma of the tea leaves. It is hoped that more tea lovers will appreciate this treasure from Yunnan and savor its exquisite qualities.