
博学茶道 2023-09-11 20:22 编辑:admin 287阅读
















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Wild chrysanthemum is a common herbaceous plant widely found in the wild, mountains, and fields. It grows naturally, without any human intervention. Wild chrysanthemum has attracted attention due to its unique flowers and medicinal value. So, can we brew and drink wild chrysanthemum as tea?

Wild chrysanthemum is a wild plant with abundant nutrients and medicinal properties. It is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, protein, and various minerals. It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and calming effects. Wild chrysanthemum also contains an organic acid called marigenic acid, which enhances the immune system and has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Brewing Wild Chrysanthemum Tea

Brewing wild chrysanthemum tea is extremely simple. First, collect fresh wild chrysanthemum flowers and place them in a clean container. Then, boil a pot of water and pour the boiling water into the container with the flowers. Let it steep for 10-15 minutes to fully release the aroma and nutrients. Finally, strain the flowers and pour the tea into a cup to enjoy the wild chrysanthemum tea.

Wild chrysanthemum tea has a delicate fragrance and floral taste, with a refreshing and pleasant mouthfeel. Drinking wild chrysanthemum tea regularly can promote metabolism, aid digestion, and relieve fatigue. Wild chrysanthemum is also known for its heat-clearing and detoxifying effects, improving liver and spleen function, and boosting the immune system. Additionally, wild chrysanthemum tea is believed to have calming properties, helping to relieve tension and anxiety.

Precautions for Wild Chrysanthemum Tea

Although wild chrysanthemum tea has numerous benefits, there are some precautions to keep in mind. Firstly, individuals with pollen allergies or hay fever should avoid consuming wild chrysanthemum tea. Wild chrysanthemum may cross-react with common allergens and trigger allergic reactions.

Furthermore, pregnant and lactating women should refrain from drinking wild chrysanthemum tea. Although wild chrysanthemum tea is generally considered safe for the average person, its effects on fetuses and infants are not well understood. Therefore, to safeguard the health of the fetus and baby, it is best to avoid consumption.

Finally, individuals undergoing medication treatment, especially those on immunosuppressants, should consult their doctor before consuming wild chrysanthemum tea. Wild chrysanthemum tea may interact with certain medications, affecting their efficacy or increasing side effects.

Other Uses of Wild Chrysanthemum

Apart from brewing tea, wild chrysanthemum can be used to make flower tea, herbal-infused oil, and herbal steam therapy. Wild chrysanthemum can be combined with other flowers and herbs to create floral teas, enhancing both taste and medicinal effects.

Soaking wild chrysanthemum flowers in plant oil creates herbal-infused oil suitable for massage and skincare. The medicinal components of wild chrysanthemum permeate the oil, providing calming and soothing effects.

In addition, wild chrysanthemum can be used for herbal steam therapy. By adding wild chrysanthemum flowers to hot water, the medicinal properties can be inhaled through steam, offering relief for sore throats and respiratory discomfort.


Wild chrysanthemum is an herbaceous plant with multiple benefits, widely utilized in traditional Chinese medicine. Wild chrysanthemum tea has heat-clearing and detoxifying properties, helps calm the mind, and improves the immune system. However, individuals with pollen allergies, pregnant and lactating women, and those undergoing medication treatment should avoid consuming wild chrysanthemum tea. Furthermore, wild chrysanthemum can be used to make flower tea, herbal-infused oil, and herbal steam therapy.
