
博学茶道 2023-09-15 18:39 编辑:admin 253阅读


















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Tea Garden Winter Protection Schedule

Tea garden winter protection is an important task for tea farmers to protect tea trees from the cold winter. The schedule for winter protection may vary depending on the climate conditions of different regions and the characteristics of tea tree varieties. In this article, I will introduce the schedule and related considerations for tea garden winter protection.

Early January

Generally, the work of tea garden winter protection starts in early January each year. At this time, the tea trees in the garden have entered the dormancy period and begin to accumulate nutrients to cope with the cold winter. The main tasks at this stage are pruning tea trees and cleaning the tea garden.

Pruning tea trees is to control their growth, maintain proper shape, and promote the growth of new shoots. At the same time, pruning can remove damaged branches caused by diseases and pests, reducing the occurrence and spread of diseases and pests in winter.

Cleaning the tea garden refers to the removal of fallen leaves, weeds, and other debris. These debris can have adverse effects on the growth and health of tea trees, and also serve as a breeding ground for diseases and pests. Therefore, timely cleaning of the tea garden is an important measure to protect the health of tea trees.


In mid-January, the focus of tea garden winter protection is to cover the ground and keep the soil warm. One commonly used method is to cover the soil around the base of the tea plant with straw or other covering materials. The covering materials can help maintain soil temperature and prevent the roots of tea trees from being damaged by severe cold.

In addition, a layer of wheat bran or sawdust of appropriate thickness can be spread on the covering materials. This can enhance the insulation effect of the covering materials and further reduce the coldness experienced by the roots of tea trees.

Late January

Late January is a critical period for tea garden winter protection. During this stage, tea farmers need to pay attention to insulation and cold protection for tea trees. One common practice is to dig a small pit around the base of the tea tree and bury it with soil to form a small mound.

The purpose of burying the small mound is to maintain the temperature of the tea tree roots and prevent them from being damaged by the cold soil. When burying, care should be taken not to compact the soil too tightly, so as not to affect the respiration and nutrient absorption of the tea trees.

In addition, a temporary shade net or bamboo curtain can be built around the base of the tea tree. The shade net or bamboo curtain can serve as a windbreak and reduce the cold wind damage to the tea tree.

Early February

Early February is the final stage of tea garden winter protection. At this stage, tea farmers need to check the effectiveness of the protective measures in the tea garden and repair or adjust them in a timely manner. At the same time, pay attention to the weather conditions and be prepared for sudden weather changes.

If there is a warning or forecast of severe cold weather, tea farmers can take some temporary measures, such as lighting a fire around the tea trees or setting up straw curtains. Although these measures are temporary, they can increase the temperature around the tea trees in a short time and reduce the damage caused by the cold.

In conclusion, tea garden winter protection is a task that tea farmers must pay attention to during the winter. Through scientific and reasonable protective measures, tea trees can be protected from the cold, laying a good foundation for their growth in the new year.
